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Showing products Apple in Berlin before the opening of its branch

Showing products Apple in Berlin before the opening of its branch

Apple will open a new store in the German city of Berlin in the third month of May this year , where Apple began development of some products in display cases in front of the store that has not been opened yet .

Apple stores are always with a nice interface displays another company's products , this store now displays the start of the product even before its opening , Apple is always great in the marketing of their products.

But so far , does not exist any Apple store in the Arab countries , but there is an online store in the UAE and other rumors are talking about e-store soon in Saudi Arabia , but I wonder if we'll see a real Apple store in one of the centers of Riyadh ? Or even in a shopping mall in the city of Dubai ?

Especially interesting that the company is clearly growing in the Middle East , especially the Arabian Gulf , and moves to enter the market seemed faster now, but so far we have not heard any rumors about the opening of stores in any of the Arab cities .

To enjoy in other than the Apple store in Berlin , and we hope to see him soon ever seen .



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