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How to deal with Alhardisek in Mac

How to deal with Alhardisek in Mac

Became Alhardeskat State is an integral part of a person's life these days and become your possession for a Alhardeskat external command Kamali to command up to the stage of necessity , and the first questions that you find from users before having a Mac is, you will work Alhardisek outside with your Mac and also the large number of questions about how Faramth Alhardisek external Mac system and also what is the appropriate formula for Hardisek even works without problems with Alhardisek outside , all this and more will touch on in this post :

First: In the beginning , we must find out what formula Alhardisek months and what is the appropriate formula for Hardescat to work on a Mac system environment without any problems :

 Months Alhardisek are three formats and is (NTFS, FAT, MAC) and the difference between them is that the formula NTFS format only works on Windows and you can use the system Alhardisek Mac but can not delete or add any file to and from the Alhardisek can only browse files in Alhardisek , and for formula FAT is the formula works on both regular Windows and Mac without any problems , but you will experience a minor problem and is that this formula can not be transferred file its size more than 4 GB of Hardisek and can transfer any file less than this size without problems , and for the MAC version it only works on Apple devices and does not work on any other device .

Second, you may wonder what is the way in which I can use on the system Alhardisek Mac and Windows system without any problem I tell him that the best way is to make Alhardisek formula works on NTFS and focus on a software system that is running the Mac version of these devices MAC without any problem and I would recommend the program Paragon NTFS is the best in this area .

CAUTION: Do not install more than one program to run NTFS format on your computer because it will cause a conflict in the system and by following the inability of these are running a final formula .

There is also another solution is to divide and Alhardisek only two special section Windows system and a special section of the Mac system but you must know that he will not be able to take advantage of the existing files in the section on the Mac system when using any device and Windows , and vice versa .

Third: If you do not have a program that supports the NTFS format and size of files owned by less than 4 GB , I advise you FAT format as this formula support systems , without exception, no matter what is the size of which is owned by Alhardisek but you must know that you can not transfer files larger than 4 GB if you do not have large files , I advise you Bhve formula.

Line thumb1 thumb how to deal with Alhardisek in Mac

Months that you will experience problems when used in a system Alhardeskat Mac are:

Inability to transfer to and from Alhardisek ?

The reason for this problem is that the formula works Alhardisek NTFS, you must inauguration of a program that supports this format .

Inability to transfer more than 4 GB of external Hardisek ?

The reason for this problem is that the formula works Alhardisek FAT and this version does not support the transfer of files that have size more than 4 GB and you must change the formula Alhardisek .



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