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Create an Account Pal App Store to download the application on the iPhone or iPad

Create an Account Pal App Store to download the application on the iPhone or iPad
Go to first apply the App Store

Then search Search on the free application such as myKAU and pressure to create a FREE account and download the application

Then the following window will appear 
To set up the account must choose: create a new Apple ID

Then choose the state Saudi Arabia and the pressure on Next Next

Then show the following window
Where there Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of Apple must read and approved to complete the registration by pressing the Agree

Then show the following window
Email must be filled out the account you want to use, for example,
Password and PIN must be contain uppercase + lowercase letters + numbers and must be 8 numbers and letters

Then go to the Security Info Questions protection must choose three questions and answer them, and not to forget to help in case of loss of password
Then write e-Alternative also help in the event of a lost password, for example,

Then write the history of Christmas and the pressure on Next Next

Then show the following window
Billing Information must choose None Ananaj order to put credit card information and download free apps

And the completion of the mobilization of the next data to be complete registration
First name first name, for example: Sarah
Last name family name, for example: Ahmed
Address Address: grandfather university district
Town city example: grandfather
Postcode zip code, for example: 12345
Phone phone number, for example: 123456789
And then click on the Next Next

Then show the following window:
He was sending a message to the email from Apple should be opened up to make sure mail to complete the registration process

You must open the mail and open the message sent from Apple and pressure on the Verify Now to make sure and check e-mail and complete scientific Date

After pressing the Verify Now Page will open the following registration page
We register and write e-mail, for example:
And PIN number that has been chosen to register, for example: Aa123456
Then click on Verify Address

After that show Next Page had been checking e
This indicates that it has successfully completed the process of Shale

Download the application must log in again on the App Store and search for the application and then click on FREE and then following window will appear must choose: to use an existing Apple ID

Then write e and PIN
Then the application will be loaded Pallaivon



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